Steadfast love, like gravity,
keeps stars in place.
Enduring love's hilarity
burns bright with grace.
keeps stars in place.
Enduring love's hilarity
burns bright with grace.
: boisterous merriment or laughter
:noisily turbulent, rowdy
:marked by exuberance and high spirits
:stormy, tumultuous
as in...
"He's not a tame lion"
seems as if i should be grasping this by now.
neither Papa or i can sleep.
i made matching cups of tea.
there's a bird outside who's song is marked by exuberance.
he seems not deterred by the dark or questions.
he seems expectant and free of care.
all few ounces of his lungs.
i'm rather sure i have more lung to wield in worship.
- Main Entry: bois·ter·ous
- Function: adjective
- Etymology: Middle English boistous crude, clumsy
- Date: 14th century
:noisily turbulent, rowdy
:marked by exuberance and high spirits
:stormy, tumultuous
as in...
"He's not a tame lion"
seems as if i should be grasping this by now.
neither Papa or i can sleep.
i made matching cups of tea.
there's a bird outside who's song is marked by exuberance.
he seems not deterred by the dark or questions.
he seems expectant and free of care.
all few ounces of his lungs.
i'm rather sure i have more lung to wield in worship.
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